Monday, 30 April 2007

Alu chokha (Veg)

Ingredients: Potatoe, Onion,Tomato,Ginger, Green chilli,Aamchud powder,Red chilli powder and Toast biscuits(optional)
(For five people) -- Boil 5 medium sized potatoes, smash the potatoes to make a smooth paste.
Chopp 3 onions, small pc of ginger, 3 green chillies, 2 tomatoes. Now smash the toast biscuits into fine powder and fry the powder in oil/ghee till this turn brownish and keep aside. Fry onion, chilli,ginger and tomatoes together. Now add smshed potatoes to that.Add salt, termaric powder,red chilli powder and sprinkle little water ,cover the frying pan and cook for twenty mins . In between stir the preparation so that every ingredients get mixed well. Now add little amchud powder and the biscuit mixture to make the chokha tasty. For dressing you might add corriender leaves. Hey ! Ckokha is ready to serve. Have this either with chappati or rice as you like.

1 comment:

oddity said...

congrats on making it at last
by the way do you remember the feast photo?